Terms of service by.insure
valid from 01.10.2024
Section 1. General Section.
1.1) These rules are drawn up based on the law of Poland July 18, 2002 about the services over electronic communications systems.
1.2) The following terms are used in regulations:
a) The Seller - Raman Bantser WEB with address 15-446 Bialystok, ul.Aleja Pilsudskiego, 26/7, NIP 5423241280, REGON 360244810,
b) The Buyer - a person who conclude an insurance contract and is responsible for paying insurance policy in the Service,
c) Insurance Company "Europa" – Joint-stock company with the address Wroclaw, ul. Gwiaździsta 62, 53-413, NIP 8951007276, REGON 272324625, authorized by the Ministry of Finance from 07.11.1994 for insurance activities,
d) Belgosstrach - Belarusian Republican Unitary Insurance Company,
e) Insurance contract – the contract concluded by the Buyer and the Insurance Company "Europe",
f) Insurance policy – a document in electronic form confirming the fact that the Buyer has bought the travel insurance in Belarus,
g) Service of insurance sales for Belarus(Service) – the system allowing the Buyer the opportunity through the Internet to conclude an insurance contract for a certain period of his stay in Belarus and receive confirmation in the form of an insurance policy to his email address. The service operates under the web domain by.insure
1.3) The seller is the official Mediator of the Insurance Company "Europa". The insurance company "Europa" grants the Seller the right to sell its insurance in the Elitar Partner Białorus variant.
1.4) The insurance contract is concluded between the Buyer and the Insurance Company "Europa" via the Internet with the use of this Service.
1.5) The insurance meets the requirements of the Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus "On compulsory medical insurance for foreign citizens and stateless persons temporarily staying in the Republic of Belarus" and the agreement between the Belarusian Republican Unitary Insurance Enterprise BELGOSSTRAKH and TU Europa S.A.
Section 2. Conclusion of insurance contract
2.1) In order to conclude an insurance contract, the Buyer must provide its data via the form on the Service page.
a) The data necessary from the Buyer is identical to their writing in the passport, which will be used for a trip to Belarus:
- Surname,
- Name and second names, if they present,
- Passport number,
- Date of birth - year, month, day,
- Citizenship.
b) Other necessary information from the Buyer:
- The insurance period during which it will be valid in Belarus - a maximum of 365 days, the earliest from today.
- E-mail - where the insurance policy will be sent.
2.2) The service will not be executed if not all of the data listed in 2.1 is specified by the Buyer.
2.3) Insurance policy is issued by the Insurance Company "Europe" with the consent of Belgosstrakh.
2.4) At the moment when the buyer pays for the order, automatically it means his agreement to these Terms of Service.
2.5) The seller accepts payment online by credit or debit cards, and Paypal if the payment is more than 20 PLN.
Section 3. Order execution.
3.1) Insurance policy is issued by the Insurance Company "Europe" after the Buyer completes the full payment of the insurance policy to the Seller's bank account,
3.2) The insurance policy in electronic form delivers to the Buyer the Seller,
3.3) Order paid online using Przelewy24.pl or PayPal.com systems is implemented instantly. Insurance policy will be delivered to the Buyer's e-mail within 1-5 minutes, and also provided for downloading on the Service page.
Section 4. Changing client data.
4.1) To change the data in the insurance contract, the Buyer should send to Seller via the contact form on the main page the information for the changing.
4.2) Changes are made on work days from 10 to 16 hours on CET.
4.3) The changed insurance policy is sent to the same email of the Buyer that was specified when making a payment in the Service.
4.4) Changes to the insurance can be made if the date indicated in the insurance as the first day of insurance has not yet come
Section 5. Responsibilities of the Seller.
5.1) The seller is obliged to transfer information about the Buyer to the Insurance Company "Europa" for the purpose of issuing an insurance contract valid on the territory of Belarus.
5.2) The seller must send a confirmation of the concluded contract in the form of an insurance policy to the Buyer's email address.
Section 6. Responsibilities of the Buyer.
6.1) Before the Order, the Buyer must ensure that his passport is suitable for travel abroad.
6.2) The buyer must provide the correct data from his passport and contact details in the Service.
Section 7. Electronic payments.
7.1) Payment for a insurance can be made using online bank card payment or Paypal system.
7.2) Payment through Paypal.com is possible only with a payment amount of at least 20 PLN,
Section 8. Complaints.
8.1) Only the Buyer can make a complaint to the Service in writing way to the address of the Service. Complaints filed by other persons will not be considered.
8.2) Complaints about the services must be provided to the carrier in any time: by phone to Seller FIRMAPHONE, by email to
[email protected]? using contact from on the website, sending letter to address from 1.2.a
8.3) All complaints are dealt within 14 working days from the date of receipt by the Seller of a written complaint, except for the days when the complaints will require clarification of details complaints by the Buyer.
Section 9. The refusal of the Service.
9.1) The cancellation of the insurance contract is possible only until the day preceding the start of the insurance policy validity in Belarus.
9.2) In case of cancellation of the insurance contract, the Buyer must write to the Seller's address through the contact form on the main page of the Service, providing the persons' data or the policy number for the refusal.
9.3) The Seller will refund the price of the policy within a period not longer than 5 business days, minus the bank commission that was charged from the Seller at the time of purchasing the policy.
9.4) The return of money will come to the account of the payment card with which the Order was paid.
9.5) Refund for order paid by Paypal will be made to the paypal account of the Buyer.
9.6) Refuse from the Service in any other case except 9.1 is not give the right to a refund.
Section 10. Personal Data Security Policy.
10.1) Pursuant to Regulation 2016/679 of the European Parliament and the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of personal data (hereinafter: GDPR), we provide protection of all personal data that have been obtained as a result of conducting business and the execution of your orders on our website.
10.2) The Seller guarantees that the personal data of the Buyer will be processed exclusively for the purposes of the order.
10.3) The Seller exclusively for the purpose of executing the Order send the data about the Buyer to the Insurance company "Europa",
10.4) The customer has the right to limit the processing of his data or object to the processing of data, or to limit their processing, but in such cases the contract with the customer can not be concluded. After conclusion the Agreement, the Customer has the right to be forgotten, i.e. requests from Raman Bantser WEB to delete personal data in accordance with the law.
10.5) The Seller will not provide customer information to third parties except listed in 10.3 cases.